Taster Pilates Class in Stoke By Clare
Join Zanna in Stoke By Clare for special taster Pilates classes on Monday 15th May and Monday 5th June 2023 at 7:15pm
Stoke By Clare Village Hall
Zanna is running two taster classes to introduce you to Pilates. You will have the opportunity to try some exercises and to understand the progressive nature of the Pilates technique. Find out why it is important to join a class at an appropriate level for you and why performing the Pilates moves mindfully(and in the correct way) will benefit your posture and your core so much more!
With this greater appreciation you will be set up to get the most out of a regular weekly Pilates class. This class is suitable for beginners as well as those with less than one year of Pilates experience. This introduction class will include low load Clinical Pilates moves designed to help you use your core muscles. The class also includes safe and supported joint mobilising exercises.
Before booking the class:
Before your first class please complete and return this PARQ form which is a short health questionnaire.
Please bring your own mat or towel and either a small cushion or extra towel for head support.
Check availability online:
You can check availability and book you place online for these taster sessions held at Stoke by Clare Village Hall on Monday 15th May and Monday 5th June 2023 at my online booking calendar.