Zanna demonstrates two Pilates sequences
Sequence 1. A ‘low load’ core training exercise: Stabilising the pelvis and spine in neutral alignment whilst raising one leg to a ‘single knee fold’ position. It is important to master the low load exercises to promote good muscle recruitment patterns before moving onto the next level.
Single Leg Stretch. This exercise, with increased load and movement, further challenges the ability to stabilise the pelvis and spine. The arm movements mobilise the shoulder joints, and challenge coordination, and the stability of the shoulder girdle and the upper spine.
Double Leg Stretch. An intermediate/advanced exercise. With a further increase in load, this exercise increases the challenge to the stabilising muscles.
Double Leg Stretch. An intermediate/advanced exercise. With a further increase in load, this exercise increases the challenge to the stabilising muscles.
Sequence 2: The Shoulder Bridge. The action of lifting the spine off of the mat, vertebra by vertebra, mobilises or unlocks each joint in the lower spine. The exercise strengthens the abdominals, buttocks and the back of the legs, whilst releasing lower back tension and opening out the front of the hips.
Shoulder Bridge with the addition of arm raises challenges muscle strength and the ability to keep good alignment.
Shoulder Bridge with leg raise. A further challenge for the stabilising muscles, and for the buttocks and the abdominals.
The Pilates Magic Circle is used in Heel Squeezes to further challenge core stability and the muscles around the hips.